Women of the province suffered from the group procedures and laws as she lost father, son, brother, and breadwinner. She was one the most vulnerable categories that suffered from violations under the group rule. The restrictions on women that were imposed by the group presented the group vision on woman as it deprived her from her rights and turned her into a mean of pleasure. The group expressed its vision about woman in “Al Madina charter” where the article number 14 stated.
The group arrested and executed a number of women in Deir Ezzor by different charges such as communicating with armed factions’ opponent to the group or contacting with the US-led coalition along with charges of honour. The group did not consider any of the due processes neither in charges nor in execution.
The Justice for Life organization document the execution of five women in 2016-2017 by the “ Islamic State” group by different charges.
The report covers violations committed by the “Islamic State” group against women in Deir al-Zour province. The meetings covered many violations such as prevention form education, restrictions on movement, corporal punishment and others.